How To Recognise The Signs And Help Someone In Distress

If you’re worried that a friend or loved one is suffering or thinking of suicide – here are some of the key warning signs to watch out for and what you can do to help.

What to listen for

  • Talking or writing about hurting themselves, dying or saying that they want to die

  • Talking about ways to die or having a suicide plan

  • Saying that they are ‘trapped’ or have no options in their life

  • Saying they have no purpose in their lives, that they feel hopeless

What to look for

  • Engaging in self-harm or reckless, risk-taking behaviour

  • Giving items away or saying goodbye to people

  • Becoming more inward-looking and withdrawing from family and friends

  • Changes in their sleep patterns – too much or too little sleep

  • Extreme emotions or dramatic changes in mood

  • Increasing their use of drugs or alcohol

If you recognise one or more of these warning signs in a loved one’s behaviour, don’t wait for someone else to do something.


Contact Pieta

Pieta is Ireland’s suicide prevention charity. Our professional counsellors specialise in suicide prevention and tackling self-harm.

Whether you’re in crisis yourself, or whether you know someone who is, we’re here to listen and to offer FREE expert, practical help. We have centres all over Ireland and Pieta’s suicide, self-harm & suicide bereavement crisis helpline is open 24/7.



Tips From Pieta On How To Look After Your Mental Health During This Time